Monday, May 4, 2015


I tear at the vail
But to no avail.
It wont budge,
I don’t leave a smudge
Im not going anywhere
That much is clear.
Is this who I am?
Reality hits with a bam
Im not trying to escape mortals,
But my own brokenness and troubles
I laugh hysterically and fall on the ground.
This is who I am, so I've found.
May as well embrace it,
Nothing is going to change it.
A piece of broken mirror lies on the street,
I pick it up, my eyes and reflection meet.
I scream for help, but no one answers.
But who would help me, I'm worthless I figure.
Im trapped, I'm trapped, I cant escape.
My scars and burns and hurts and pain.
My heart is broken and torn to shreds.
Everything I had was ripped from my hands.
My family and friends, everything I knew.

My life, my childhood gone to soon.

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